
Dark Freedom
The Rise of Western Lawlessness
by C.W. Steinle
Copyright 2015 by C.W. Steinle
All rights reversed

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hour and hours of valuable insights

Henk-Jan van der Klis review of Dark Freedom


Hours and Hours of valuable insights

Dark Freedom unearths the prepared ground for the appearance of the Son of Perdition, the lawless one as predicted by Jesus Christ and Revelations of John. Christian philosopher C.W. Steinle studied 3 millennia of philosophers, church and secular history and all kinds of thinkers, both within and outside the Church. Rooted in ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Socrates is dualism and a search for a proper way to govern a city, region or land. Much of it found its way into church teachings, laws and governance structure. Steinle shows the devaluation of the papal office throughout time, the way Reformation preachers like Jan Hus, Martin Luther, Zwingli, tried to counter this movement.

Humanism, Enlightenment up to modern relativism, seeker-friendly services in which 'law' has been replaced by 'grace only' all influence the way Christians look at abiding to the laws of God and stay holy. Church fathers, divine rights of kings, and removing the Judeo-Christian roots from U.S. constitutions and laws are unmasked in Dark Freedom. The freedom, peace and laws God gave to us are meant to practice every day. Hours and hours of valuable insights!

Dark Freedom
Amazon: Dark Freedom